What is Access4you Certification?
Experts assess the buildings
If the building is still at the design stage, we will carry out an assessment of the design documentation.
Survey for 9 groups
People in wheelchairs, with pushchairs, the Elderly, visually impaired, the Blind, hard of hearing, the Deaf, people with cognitive impairment and people with assistance dogs.
Qualification of the buildings
The more accessible the building is to people with different needs, the higher the rating.
The building owner will receive a certificate of the achieved qualification, certifying that the assessment has been carried out by an independent professional.
The data behind the qualification
The list of minimum requirements varies from building type to building type. An office building has to fulfil one set of functions and a small cafeteria another.
Access, for you.
You can check the survey details here. Is there barrier-free parking? How many inches wide is the front door? How big is the restroom? Will my assistance dog be allowed in?
Every information at the click of a button!